Doubts about your course?

October 21, 2008

Having doubts about your course can be a lonely feeling. If this applies to you check first if there’s a particular reason. If things have been going well maybe it’s a temporary blip? But if it’s more than this, it’s best not to keep your concerns to yourself or make rash decisions that you may later regret. If you don’t want to approach your course tutor you could talk to an academic in confidence, who’s removed from the situation, at the Academic Advisory Service – their number is 0161 275 3033, or call into University Place, got to the 1st floor and make an appointment at the Student Advice and Information Hub.

You could also benefit from talking through your options with a Careers Consultant. A full length careers appointment may be best for this – tel 0161 275 2829 or call into the Careers Resource Centre in Crawford House on Booth Street East. If you call in you can pick up a helpful leaflet all about changing or leaving your course. If you need to see someone quickly, don’t forget our same-day Quick Query service, where you can get a 15-minute appointment with a careers consultant – quite short but useful if you have one issue that you need to discuss urgently. The Prospects website also has some excellent information which covers both changing your course and also leaving university.

If your worries about your course are making you unsettled and unhappy don’t forget the Counselling service is here to help – information about how to access the service is at

Generally speaking it’s best to seek help and advice early on. If you do decide you’ve taken a wrong turn, exploring your options with those who can help will give you a much better chance to get onto the right track.